Privacy Policy

Welcome to XCPAP, your reliable online platform.

The web site identified by the uniform resource locator (the “Site”) is provided by TIANSHENGXIN SPORTS CO., LIMITED as a service to our customers. This Security and Privacy Policy (the “Agreement” or “Policy”) is entered into between you as a registered user of the site (“Registered User”).

The security of your personal information is very important to us and we value your trust highly. We will not sell or loan your personal information to a third party under any circumstances. We will work hard to protect the security and privacy of any personal information you provide to us and will only use such information as we have described herein.

By your use and access of the Site, you accept this Security and Privacy Policy. Your supply of information is voluntary. As detailed in the “How we use your personal information?”: section below, if you do not wish to provide your personal and transactional information to us, we may not be able to make available to you our services.

What personal information do we collect?

You may choose to use or access our Site without revealing any personal and transactional information about yourself, but you will need to register and create an account in order to make a purchase or take advantage of certain features and functions, including, but not limited to, “Save for Later” and “Address Book”. If you provide us with your information, you consent to the transfer and storage of the information on our server.

As set forth in more detail below, XCPAP collects personal information that you provide when using the Site. This information includes your first and last name, email address, a password and other information required when you create your XCPAP account or when you participate in or conduct surveys and contests via the Site, email, or other media of XCPAP. In order to protect your confidentiality and verify your identity, we may ask you to confirm your personal information when you contact our Customer Service Department.

In addition to the personal information we may collect and process during registration and any surveys, we also collect, store and process the following information about our users:

1. Purchase Information

When you make a purchase from XCPAP, we collect your name and payment method information. When you create an account at XCPAP, you can choose to save your billing information in “My XCPAP.” You can also save one or more shipping addresses in your XCPAP Address Book.

2. Services Account Information

We collect personal information from users who wish to use any of the XCPAP services, including but not limited to, XCPAP’s Transaction Platform. In order to use these services you must provide your email address and password or create an account at XCPAP.

3. Cookies and Other Computer Information

When you visit the Site, you will be assigned a permanent “cookie” (a small text file) to be stored on your computer’s hard drive, mobile phone or other device. The purpose of the cookie is to identify you when you visit the Site so that we can enhance and customize your online purchasing experience.

You can choose to browse on the Site without cookies, but without these identifier files you will not be able to complete a purchase or take advantage of certain features of the Site. These features include storing your shopping cart for later use and providing a more personalized future shopping experience. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

We also collect certain technical information from your computer each time you request a page during a visit to the Site. This information may include your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your computer’s operating system, browser type and the address of a referring web site, if any. We collect this information to enhance the quality of your experience during your visit to the Site and will not sell or loan this information to any third parties.

We also contract with third parties to provide us with data collection and reporting services regarding our customers’ activities on the Site and to track and measure the performance of our marketing efforts. These third parties may use cookies and may receive anonymous information about your browsing and buying activity on this Site. None of your personally identifiable information (such as your name, address, email address, etc.) will be received by or shared with these third parties.

4. Publishing Information

When you submit any information on the Site during your use or access, including, but not limited to, information on the XCPAP blog, the rating system, or product catalog, you are deemed to have given your permission to XCPAP to publish such information, and XCPAP and the Site hereby enjoy an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide and royalty-free, sub-licensable license to use all information provided by such user to exercise the copyright, compilation, database and publicity rights any user has in such material or information, in any media form.

How we use your personal information?

We do not sell, loan, trade or exchange any user’s personal information without such user’s consent. The information we collect on the Site may be used to enhance your shopping experience in the following ways:

Deliver merchandise and services that you purchase online;
Register you as a member of XCPAP;
Prevent fraud;
Confirm your orders;
Resolve disputes and prevent prohibited and illegal activities;
Enforce our Terms of Use and related agreements;
Respond to your customer-service inquiries or requests;
Communicate great values and featured items to you;
Find and stock the products you want; and
Customize, measure and improve our services and your purchase experience.

When and with whom can we share your personal information?

We do not sell or loan your personal information to any third parties under any circumstances. Other than as permitted under this Policy or as otherwise consented to by you, we will not transfer your personal data to any other third parties for their processing for any purposes.

We will share your personal customer information only with our subsidiaries or affiliates, agents, assignees or our business, representatives, financial institutions, service providers, and contractors for limited purposes of, including, but not limited to, fulfilling customer orders, offering certain products and services in connection with the Site, communicating to customers, providing customer service, storing, sharing and retrieving customers’ photo images in our Photo Center, enhancing and improving clients’ purchase experience, enabling access to our partners’ web sites, providing a personalized purchase experience and preventing fraud and completing payment method processing.

Aside from the purposes described above, we will not share your personal information with any other third parties unless we have your express permission or there are special circumstances, such as when XCPAP is required by the government, law enforcement body, regulatory authorities, obligee whose legitimate right has been injured, a subpoena or other legal document to share such information, or if we believe it to be reasonably necessary to protect the safety of any person; to address fraud, security or technical issues; or to protect XCPAP’s rights or property. We may also share aggregated demographic and statistical information with our partners. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person.

How can you control the use of your personal information?

You are solely responsible for ensuring all personal information you provide is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You can modify or delete your personal information at any time. Simply go to My XCPAP. Log in with your ID and password, then edit or delete your personal information at your discretion.

How can we protect the security of your personal information?

Your personal information is protected by the password you created when you created an account on the Site (or another password you chose after changing a previous password). Please keep this password confidential. No Customer Service Associate or any other representative of XCPAP will ever ask you for your password. The confidentiality of your password is yours to protect. You may change it at anytime by going to My XCPAP. Log in with your email address and password, then click “Change Name, Email & Password” and enter a new password.


XCPAP does not intentionally collect personal information about minors or other persons without full civil conduct capacity, but based on the properties of Internet, there is no way for XCPAP and the Site to distinguish the age or capacity of the users. By accepting this Agreement through your use or access of the Site, you certify that you are a person over 18 years old with full capacity and ability to form a legally binding contract in the jurisdiction in which you are resident or in which you are entering into this Agreement. If you do not agree to (or cannot comply with) any of the terms of this Agreement, do not use the Site.

Meanwhile, if a minor or other person does not have full civil conduct capacity and has provided personal information to us without the proper consent of their parent or legal guardian, such parent or legal guardian should contact us to remove such personal information.


Your information is stored on our servers, and we adopt lots of tools, means and technologies to protect them against unauthorized access, use and disclosure. For instance, we use a technology called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which encrypts (or encodes) sensitive information before it is sent over the Internet. However, we are limited in our efforts by the technologies currently available, and no data transmission or storage over Internet can be guaranteed to be perfectly safe. Therefore, although we work very hard to protect your information and privacy, we do not promise or guarantee that your information will always be private and safe

Advertising/Direct Marketing

Except to the extent you have already opted out or in future opt out, we may also use your personal data for the purpose of sending you direct marketing (whether by messaging within our services, by email or by other means) that offer or advertise our products and services and/or the products and services of selected third parties. Such products and services (of ours or third parties) include the following:

• our products and services offered on the Site and the products and services of our affiliate and subsidiary companies and business partners in relation to (i) telecommunication network services, including TV, mobile voice, IDD/roaming, SMS and data communications, entertainment and data communications on Internet; (ii) computer peripheral, accessories and software, including notebooks, handsets, mobile devices and accessories, keyboards, security installations and mobile applications; and (iii) other social media, entertainment, e-commerce, information and communications software and services; and

• third party providers of the above services and products and services relating to dining, food and beverages, sports, music, film, television, live performances and other arts and entertainment, books, magazines and other publications, clothing and accessories, jewelry, cosmetics, personal health and hygiene, electronics, collectibles, housewares, appliances, home decoration and furnishings, pets, automobiles, hotels, transport and travel, loyalty and reward programs and other products and services that we think may be relevant to you.

We will honour your request for us to not use your personal data for the marketing purposes noted above. If you wish to make such a request, please: (i) notify our [Privacy Officer]; or (ii) follow the relevant instructions on our marketing communications.

Please note that we will not share your personal data with any advertisers unless you have given us your consent to do so. For the avoidance of doubt, this consent is separate form and independent of your services registered with us. Accordingly, it can be withdrawn at any time as per this Policy without reference to the duration of the services, and will survive the termination or expiration of any applicable service contracts.

Retention of data

Subject to applicable laws and regulations, we will only retain your personal data for so long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes as set out under the “How we use your personal information?” section above.

Should your account be terminated by you or us for any reason, we will (subject to the above paragraph) take steps to ensure that your personal data is no longer available through our services, or otherwise used by us, within a reasonable period of time (subject to technical limitations) after such account termination.

Data Access/Correction Request

Subject to applicable laws and regulations, you have the right to inspect the personal information we hold about you and to request access to or correction of your personal information, or to request that we delete any of your personal information that is stored by us.

If you wish to exercise the abovementioned rights, or if you have any enquiries about our processing of your Personal Data, please contact our [Privacy Officer] via email at [] or via postal mail at [] (attention: [Privacy Officer], [Legal Department]). We will respond to all requests made to our [Privacy Officer] under this “Data Access/Correction Request” section within the period set by the data privacy laws (if applicable). Satisfactory proof and/or explanation of the inaccuracy is essential before we would consider correcting the specified data.


We realize that making purchases on the Site, or any other web site, requires trust on your part. We value your trust very highly and pledge to you, our clients, that we will work hard to protect the security and privacy of any personal information you provide to us and that your personal information will only be used as set forth in this Policy. This includes your name, address, phone number, email address or checking account information, in addition to any other personal information that can be linked to you, personally.

XCPAP may provide links to certain third party web sites. This Security and Privacy Policy applies only to activities conducted and personal information collected on the Site. Other web sites may have their own policies regarding privacy and security. We encourage you to review the privacy policies on these sites before you use and access them. You are solely responsible for your use and access of other web sites.

XCPAP will obtain your consent before allowing the download of any software from the Site, and XCPAP will not automatically download any software to your computer system. Once you consent to the initial download of any software, you may receive automatic updates or patches pertaining to such software. You understand and agree that any material, including but not limited to downloaded software, required or automated updates, modifications, reinstallations, or software otherwise obtained through the use of the Site is done at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages to your computer system or loss of data that may result from any such material.

XCPAP reserves the right to update or modify this Security and Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice to you. The most current version of the Policy will govern XCPAP’s use of the information and will always be at If XCPAP makes a change that, in XCPAP’s sole discretion, is material, XCPAP will notify you via e-mail to the email address associated with your account. Your use of the Site following any such change constitutes your unconditional agreement to follow and be bound by the Security and Privacy Policy as amended.

XCPAP may transfer this Policy and all or part of its rights, obligations and interests to any party or entity in its sole discretion; however, a User may not assign its rights, obligations and interests under this Policy to any party or entity.

Terms which have not been defined or stipulated in this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the definition(s) or provision(s) of the Terms of Use of XCPAP.

If you wish to contact us regarding this Policy or any privacy-related matters, please contact our [Privacy Officer] via email at [] or via postal mail at [] (attention: [Privacy Officer], [Legal Department]).